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ho will replace him as the Written And Directed By Taika Waititi Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this head of Russia in charge of 6,000 nuclear weapons? Those are some of the first questions that jump to mind when war with Russia is discussed. But the news reader on CBS, who was interviewing Chris Coons didn’t bother to ask any of those questions, nor did she ask the one thing you would need to know if you were running a functioning democracy, which is how many Americans, how many voters, actually want war with Russia? What percentage of the American population believes that Ukraine’s borders are worth dying for? That’s a central question in a democracy, and as it happens, we know the answer because CBS itself ran a poll on that topic just a week ago, and they ask this question: Should the United States send troops to Ukraine? RUSSIA USES LONG-RANGE BOMBERS FOR FIRST TIME IN UKRAINE WAR, OFFICIAL SAYS Vladimir President Vladimir Putin ordered Russia’s all-out invasion of Ukraine only eight months after TIME magazine billed President Biden as ready to take on the Russian leader. (Sputnik, Kremlin P
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